Residential Location, Workplace Location, and Black Earnings

Edwin A. Sexton
1991 The Review of Regional Studies  
Despite the fairly large amount of research devoted to the topic, the debate continues over the relationship between residential location, workplace location, and black economic well-being as measured by employment and/or earnings. The current work compares the earnings of black workers who live and work in the central city to otherwise equal blacks who live and work in the suburbs. In addition, we decompose the black/white intrametropolitan earnings differential into three parts: 1. that
more » ... n caused by differences in the characteristics of blacks and whites, 2. that portion due to differences in the market valuation of these characteristics, and 3. that portion due to differences in the spatial characteristics of blacks and whites.
doi:10.52324/001c.9162 fatcat:zr7dhqkiobh6hhrtcusm6stwpq