Applying the Item Response Theory to English Classroom Examinations for Ethnic Students

Lanfen Ji, Xiaoqin Zhang, Dianjun Lu, Dianxiang Lu
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBET-2013)   unpublished
Tests and assessment are necessary for the presentation of the language learners' competence in the process of learning. This paper discussed and is trying to find out the particularity and characteristics of English teaching at minority regions in consideration of the influencing factors: trilingual teaching, small classes, fewer students. The measurement of constructs of English classroom examination at minority regions is put forward. The techniques used in this paper are trying to keep pace
more » ... with the advances in psychometric theory and methods. This paper presents an example of applying item response theory to English classroom examinations at minority regions and demonstrates graded response models.
doi:10.2991/icibet.2013.213 fatcat:lkaundla2bgzflnfnvcma3xuxa