Using cermet inserts in HSC technology when machining hard-to-machine tool steel

I. Zetková, M. Zetek
2015 Surface and Contact Mechanics including Tribology XII   unpublished
Shape reduction before and after deposition of the cutting edge is a very topical problem. The shape reduction improves the quality of the cutting edge and increases the cutting tool life, so it is very important for the users. These methods are mainly used for cutting tools from sintered carbide and tool steel, but there has been no research on edge reduction of cermet cutting tools. So this paper deals with the influence of the microgeometry of cermet inserts on cutting tool life when milling tool steel EN ISO X210Cr12 with hardness 52 HRC.
doi:10.2495/secm150081 fatcat:fgct6xbz5vgpdh6dx6v23ddz3i