2005 JLUMHS  
OBJECTIVE: To see the relationship between personal history and blood chemistry of preoperative gallstone patients with gallstone disease. DESIGN: A Cross sectional study. SETTING: Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro for a period of three years. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Gallstone patients admitted for the treatment during January 1999 to December 2001 were studied with the help of a predesigned proforma for recording the personal history and blood chemistry results of the individual patients.
more » ... LTS: A total of 172 patients was studied. Majority (85.33%) of the gallstone patients was females. Females under 45 years age (65.38%) and females having more than three children (70.55%) were more prone to develop gallstones than the respective female group of over 45 years age (34.62%) and having upto three children (29.45%). Past history of the gallstone patients revealed that 53.5%, 23.2%, and 9.3% of the cases had jaundice, diabetes mellitus and renal stones respectively. Blood chemistry of the patients showed that 18.2%, 2.8%, 3.44% and 4.1% had respectively hyperbilirubinemia, hyperuremia, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Alkaline phosphatase and alanine aminotransferase levels in plasma and total leuckocyte count in blood were raised in 17%, 39.7% and 9% cases respectively. However, low plasma alkaline phosphatase levels were also found in 31.1% gallstone patients. The levels of plasma alkaline phosphatase were significantly high (p<0.01) in females than in males, and in females over 45 years age than under 45. CONCLUSION: Risk of gallstone disease in females is associated with serum alkaline phosphatase level.
doi:10.22442/jlumhs.05410052 fatcat:77gj53mdjjexpj24vgwbntrkv4