Dependency-based Analysis for Tagalog Sentences

Erlyn Manguilimotan, Yuji Matsumoto
2011 Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation  
Interest in dependency parsing increased because of its efficiency to represent languages with flexible word order. Many research have applied dependency-based syntactic analysis to different languages and results vary depending on the nature of the language. Languages with more flexible word order structure tend to have lower performances compared to more fixed word order languages. This work presents, for the first time, a dependencybased parsing for Tagalog language, a free word order
more » ... e. The parser is tested using manually assigned POS and auto-assigned POS data. Experiment results show an average of about 78% accuracy on unlabeled attachment scores, and about 24% on complete dependency scores. As the position of the sentence head is not fixed, we look into sentence head accuracy as assigned by the parser. Results show that around 83% -84% of the sentence head are assigned correctly.
dblp:conf/paclic/ManguilimotanM11 fatcat:xzy4nq2npbc5nohn4wme7tiusq