Height and weight discrepancies in the elderly: implications for nursing

Pamela S. Weldele
The purpose of this research was to determine relationships between perceived height and weight and measured height and weight in an elderly population. The study sample consisted of 44 male veterans, age 65 or older, who were mentally cognizant, and able to stand for height and weight measurements. A descriptive correlational study design was used to explore the relationships of perceived height and weight to measured height and weight. A data form was used to collect information from subjects
more » ... about their ages, educational levels, marital status, perceived height and their perceived weight. The subjects were then measured on a balance-beam scale with a vertical steel bar with movable horizontal bar for weight and height. Correlations were drawn between perceived height and weight and measured height and weight. A significant statistical relationship was found. The subjects' perceived height and weight did correlate highly with their measured height and weight. ANOVAs were used to test the relationship of variables of age, education and marital status to perceived height and weight. No significant relationship was found between the variables. Descriptive statistics were applied to the raw data. It was hypothesized that subjects would have lower values on measured height and weight than perceived height and weight. Statistically, the trend was for the subjects to overestimate their height and underestimate their weight. The underestimation of weight was skewed by subjects with extreme variations from the norm. Finally, the study looked at standards of height and weight in a 65-95 year-old population in relation to this study. Fifty percent of the study sample fell within the standards. v CONTENTS ABSTRACT • • • • • . . . • iv LIST OF TABLES • viii LIST OF FIGURES • research could not have been undertaken. CHAPTER I
doi:10.26053/0h-cjsh-ph00 fatcat:fsz2rvm3ynhivk4j2d5bmyc3ei