High Initial Reversible Capacity and Long Life of Ternary SnO2-Co-carbon Nanocomposite Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Pan Deng, Jing Yang, Shengyang Li, Tian-E Fan, Hong-Hui Wu, Yun Mou, Hui Huang, Qiaobao Zhang, Dong-Liang Peng, Baihua Qu
2019 Nano-Micro Letters  
The two major limitations in the application of SnO2 for lithium-ion battery (LIB) anodes are the large volume variations of SnO2 during repeated lithiation/delithiation processes and a large irreversible capacity loss during the first cycle, which can lead to a rapid capacity fade and unsatisfactory initial Coulombic efficiency (ICE). To overcome these limitations, we developed composites of ultrafine SnO2 nanoparticles and in situ formed Co(CoSn) nanocrystals embedded in an N-doped carbon
more » ... ix using a Co-based metal-organic framework (ZIF-67). The formed Co additives and structural advantages of the carbon-confined SnO2/Co nanocomposite effectively inhibited Sn coarsening in the lithiated SnO2 and mitigated its structural degradation while facilitating fast electronic transport and facile ionic diffusion. As a result, the electrodes demonstrated high ICE (82.2%), outstanding rate capability (~ 800 mAh g-1 at a high current density of 5 A g-1), and long-term cycling stability (~ 760 mAh g-1 after 400 cycles at a current density of 0.5 A g-1). This study will be helpful in developing high-performance Si (Sn)-based oxide, Sn/Sb-based sulfide, or selenide electrodes for LIBs. In addition, some metal organic frameworks similar to ZIF-67 can also be used as composite templates.
doi:10.1007/s40820-019-0246-4 pmid:34137978 fatcat:piktjliirngfhbcbiep4xmijgy