
Hojo Yusaku, 高崎経済大学経済学部
In my former works [Hojo: 2000[Hojo: , 2001a・b, 2002a・b, 2003]], I tried to develop the multiplier models of tourism (income). Then, in an article after that [Hojo: 2010], I summarized the related former researches, such as Ohakweh's tourism multipliers (tourism income multiplier and tourism employment multiplier), Archer-Ozawa's tourism income multiplier theory (models 1 and 2), and tourism (income) multiplier models based on Archer-Ozawa models. And more, I tried to extend the models to
more » ... tourism (income) multiplier and area income multiplier. As both multipliers contained investment function, same as the changes of the model 2, the models were classified into three types (3 cases respectively). After that, I developed tourism (income) multiplier and area income multiplier models that contain the innovation effect. These multipliers were classified into three types (3 cases respectively) by the status of investment function, too. In addition, on the same article, area innovation multiplier theory was developed tentatively. In this paper, I try to develop tourism income and area income multipliers that contain social cost. I hope that this article helps to develop in related fields in the multiplier theories.
doi:10.20635/00000626 fatcat:xmcei3plabdzzbozn3mogf6neu