Geogebra para la enseñanza de la geometría descriptiva: aplicación para la docencia online

Marta Quintilla Castán, Angélica Fernández Morales
2021 JIDA  
The purpose of this work is to show the implementation of a methodological proposal for the teaching of Descriptive Geometry, supported by the use of computer tools, such as Geogebra, which helps to enhance spatial intelligence in students who take the subject of Graphic Expression in the first architecture course. Due to the need to continue teaching in a non-face-to-face mode during this course, as a result of the measures adopted by the pandemic, it has been necessary to rethink the subject
more » ... ue to the special characteristics that its teaching entails, to adapt it to remote learning .
doi:10.5821/jida.2021.10545 fatcat:slbxahbdargspcvoly624wjgbi