Application of Dislocation Dynamics Simulation to the STI Semiconductor Structure

Satoshi IZUMI, Takao MIYAKE, Shinsuke SAKAI, Hiroyuki OHTA
2004 Journal of the Society of Materials Science Japan  
We have proposed a method to infer the initiation points and slip system of generated dislocations through the combination of FEM calculation and dislocation dynamics simulation. In order to reproduce accurate shape of dislocations observed by TEM, we adopted the Brown's core splitting in the same procedure that Schwarz did. We applied our method to dislocation motion in a shallow trench isolation (STI) structure. Both initiation points and slip systems of four kinds of generated dislocation
more » ... ld be identified. It was found that the observed dislocation loops had certain shapes, which would be determined by the balance between line tension and Peach-Koehler force originated from applied stress field. This indicates that the estimation of the resolved shear stress field would be also possible.
doi:10.2472/jsms.53.1378 fatcat:a7iythhg2fef7hrmmhluinc6ia