Architecture of a Context-aware and Adaptive Learning Schedule for Learning Java

Jane Yau, Mike Joy
2007 Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007)  
Novice programmers require large amounts of time and motivation to learn an object-oriented programming language such as Java. In this paper, the architecture of our Context-aware and Adaptive Learning Schedule (CALS) tool is described. The tool has been designed to focus initially on supporting first year computer science undergraduate students to become more proficient Java programmers, and makes use of a learning schedule, where the learner inputs their daily activities. Based on this
more » ... tion, the tool is able to automatically determine the contextual features such as the location and available time. The appropriate learning materials are selected for the students according to, firstly, the learner preferences (such as learning styles), and secondly the contextual features (such as the level of concentration).
doi:10.1109/icalt.2007.72 dblp:conf/icalt/YauJ07 fatcat:yu6shimdtzesxepsbjovdjq6ke