ADAM21P1 expression associates with survival in triple negative breast cancer [post]

Shahan Mamoor
2021 unpublished
We mined published microarray data (1) to understand the most significant gene expression differences in the tumors of triple negative breast cancer patients based on survival following treatment: dead or alive. We observed significant transcriptome-wide differential expression of ADAM metallopeptidase domain 21 pseudogene 1, encoded by ADAM21P1 when comparing the primary tumors of triple negative breast cancer patients dead or alive. Importantly, ADAM21P expression was significantly correlated
more » ... with distant metastasis-free survival in basal subtype breast cancer, a molecular subtype sharing significant overlap with triple negative breast cancer. ADAM21P1 may be of relevance as a biomarker or as a molecule of interest in understanding the etiology or progression of triple negative breast cancer.
doi:10.31219/ fatcat:sky7ghvy4rac5l53adamxhkc4e