Research on the Construction of Professional Development System for Primary and Middle School Teachers --- Take Zhanjiang City as an example

2021 Frontiers in Educational Research  
There is a large team of teachers in primary and secondary schools, and teachers' education, teaching ability, and information literacy need to be improved. Based on a survey of the status of professional development of teachers in primary and secondary schools in Zhanjiang, it is proposed to establish a development system. The system includes a ladder system to solve primary and secondary schools. Hierarchical issues of teacher professional development, based on the hierarchy construction,
more » ... ore a scientific, effective, and operable teacher professional development system from the aspects of platforms, methods, and support systems, with a view to forming a more complete and unified system for the development of teachers in primary and secondary schools, in order to better promote the development of regional education modernization.
doi:10.25236/fer.2021.040205 fatcat:ebfqcqqpivepteued5v6xn3jx4