Sexual Violence Suffered by Women in Early and Late Adolescence: Care Provided and Follow-Up
Violência sexual sofrida por mulheres na adolescência precoce e tardia: Cuidado dispensado e seguimento

Alejandra Suyapa Becerra Torres, Ana Luiza Teixeira, Maria Teresa Ferreira Côrtes, Ândria Cléia Alves, Otávio Alabarse, Renata Cruz Soares de Azevedo, Arlete Fernandes
2022 Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia  
Objective To compare the sexual violence suffered by women in early and late adolescence, the reactions triggered after the aggression, and the care provided. Methods A retrospective study in which we reviewed the medical records of 521 female adolescents treated by a multidisciplinary team at a reference hospital in the city of Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil. We analyzed sociodemographic variables, and those pertainin to the characteristics of the episodes of violence, the emergency
more » ... and the physical and psychological reactions observed during the follow-up. For the analysis, the sample was divided into groups of early (10 to 14 years) and late (15 to 18 years) adolescence. We used the Chi-squared/Fisher Exact, Mann-Whitney, and Kruskal-Wallis tests to compare the groups; the level of significance adopted was 5%. Results The early group (n = 242) contained more adolescents who were enrolled in school (p < 0.001), suffered more daytime aggressions (p = 0.031), in their residences (p < 0.001), by an aggressor with whom they were acquainted (p < 0.001), had greater need of legal protection (p = 0.001), and took longer to seek care (p = 0.048). Feelings of guilt, shame, and the perception of violence were similar between the groups. In the late group (n = 279), there was greater consumption of alcohol during the aggression (p = 0,005); they received significantly more prophylaxis treatments; reported more physical symptoms (p = 0.033), sleep disorders (p = 0.003), symptoms of anxiety (p = 0.045), and feelings of anguish (p = 0.011); and had more prescriptions of psychotropics (p = 0.005). Only 52% completed the 6-month follow-up, with no differences between the groups. Conclusion The age groups showed differences in the characteristics of the episodes of violence; early adolescents took longer to seek help, and the late group presented more intense symptoms and psychological worsening during the follow-up. Measures of prevention and specific care aimed at this population are needed.
doi:10.1055/s-0042-1743094 pmid:35276748 pmcid:PMC10032055 fatcat:obaba5efqbe6tmjy5lxsotbs3u