Effect of Natural Pozzolan and Calcined Paper Sludge as Pozzolanic Additions on the Physicals and Mechanicals Properties of Heat Treated Self-Compacting Mortars

Ghernouti Y, Safi B, Rabehi B
2019 Zenodo  
Abstract: The aim of this research work was to investigate the effect of thermal treatment on strength development of self-compacting mortars (SCMs) based on two pouzolanic materials: Natural Pozzolan and calcined paper waste sludge, were used in the binders of SCMs. To evaluate the effect of heat treatment, a serial of the specimens were exposed to room temperature and another serial were exposed to heating regime (at temperature 60°C for a period of 14 h). The fresh and hardened properties of
more » ... all mortars were evaluated. the obtained result show that the mechanical strength at 14 days of all mortar treated are almost similar or sometimes better to those not treated mortars tested at 28 days, which reduces the curing time for precast elements.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2611079 fatcat:tkuwtgnbgndwxh7f76ju2pen4e