Pancreatic Injury Successfully Treated with Endoscopic Stenting for Major Pancreatic Duct Disruption

Takashi Abe, Takayuki Nagai, Kazunari Murakami, Juro Anan, Masahiro Uchida, Hideki Ono, Hitoshi Okawara, Jin Tanahashi, Tadayoshi Okimoto, Masaaki Kodama, Toshio Fujioka
2009 Internal medicine (Tokyo. 1992)  
We present a 43-year-old Japanese man with major pancreatic duct disruption caused by blunt pancreatic head damage. Computed tomography (CT) revealed pancreatic head injury, and endoscopic retrograde pancreatography showed pancreatic duct disruption at the injury site along with contrast media leakage. We placed a pancreatic stent for 3 months, after which closure of the pancreatic duct fistula was confirmed. CT on the 9th hospital day showed acute pancreatic fluid collections, but these had
more » ... appeared at the 3 month follow-up CT. The patient has remained asymptomatic at follow-up for 3 years. ) IU/L, and CRP 19.82 mg/dL. We therefore replaced the ENBD tube with a 7-French, 5-cm endoscopic pancreatic stent (EPS) (Geenen type, Wilson-Cook Medical, Winston-Salem, NC, USA) (Fig. 2C) . On the 9th day, laboratory parameters were improved (WBC 6,990/μL,
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.48.2331 pmid:19881240 fatcat:ojh6wz3cw5d25l6obmyrxdz7t4