Outbreak of Neonatal Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome in a Maternal Unit

Yunho Jeon, Yunha Hwang, Yejin Park, Chun Kim, Ryoungkyoung Lim
2021 Perinatology  
Objective: Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) is a relatively rare superficial blistering skin disease caused by exfoliating toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus. We experienced a 3-month outbreak of neonatal SSSS in a maternal unit. Methods: The medical records of newborns who were diagnosed with SSSS were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Eleven newborns with SSSS were transferred to our hospital between January and March 2019. The median age of the newborns was 18.0 (11.0-22.5)
more » ... days. Of the 11 newborns, 2 (18%) showed the generalized type of SSSS, 4 (36%) the intermediate type, and 5 (45%) the abortive type. S. aureus was isolated in 10 of the newborns and found to be methicillin-resistant in 9 cases. All the newborns were treated with intravenous cefazolin, and two newborns with the generalized type were also treated with clindamycin. The median duration of antibiotic use is 8 (6-14) days. All the newborns responded well to antibiotics and were discharged without complications. Conclusion: We recently experienced an outbreak of neonatal SSSS. To manage problems associated with such an outbreak, periodic monitoring is required, along with guidelines for infection control, such as thorough infection education, isolation of infected newborns, and antiseptic handwashing.
doi:10.14734/pn.2021.32.2.61 fatcat:l6gsug2jifairlgvk4lvebzhni