Slow light Mach-Zehnder f iber interferometer

Yundong Zhang Yundong Zhang, Jinfang Wang Jinfang Wang, Xuenan Zhang Xuenan Zhang, Hao Wu Hao Wu, Yuanxue Cai Yuanxue Cai, Jing Zhang Jing Zhang, Ping Yuan Ping Yuan
2012 Chinese Optics Letters (COL)  
A slow light structure Mach-Zehnder fiber interferometer is theoretically demonstrated. The sensitivity of the interferometer is significantly enhanced by the dispersion of the slow light structure. The numerical results show that the sensitivity enhancement factor varies with the coupling coefficient and reaches its maximum under critical coupling conditions.
doi:10.3788/col201210.021201 fatcat:am3ubjurf5abtfhd6mdkv2cci4