Improvised_XgBoost Machine learning Algorithm for Customer Churn Prediction

Swetha P, Dayananda B
2018 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web  
The Customer retention has become one of the major issues for the service-based company such as telecom industry; where predictive model to observe customer, behavior is one of the efficient methods in the customer retention process. In this research work, Improvised_XGBoost churn prediction model with feature functions is proposed, the main aim of this model is to predict the customer churn rate. Improvised_XGBoost algorithm is a feature-based machine learning classifier which can be used for
more » ... he complex dataset. At first, feature function is introduced then loss function is formulated and minimized through iterative approach, later combined with XG_Boost approach it possesses better efficiency. The main feature of Improvised_XGBoost algorithm is that it handles the unstructured dataset attributes efficiently, further feature function combined with XG_Boost. Furthermore, the proposed model is evaluated through various performance metrics such as accuracy, precision and recall. Our model also throws light on identifying the correctly and incorrectly classified instances on South Asia GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) service provider. The results through the comparative analysis, our model outperforms the other state-of-art technique.
doi:10.4108/eai.13-7-2018.164854 fatcat:pkwopkuz4va6fplglscit447eu