Impact of Consanguinity on Fertility and Mortality

Dr. K Bharathi
2014 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
An attempt is made to find out the parental consanguinity on inbreeding of Khond, a particularly vulnerable tribal group belonging to Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh. In a cross-sectional study of the tribe, socio-economic characteristics along with demographic data were collected using structured schedule. Further the sample was selected through random sampling method and it was reported that out of 247 numbers of married women, 167 women preferred consanguineous marriages and
more » ... g 80 women preferred non-consanguineous marriages. The mean sex-linked s value (0.0728) is slightly higher than the mean autosomal a value (0.0439). All fertility components are higher for consanguineous couples compared to the non-consanguineous couples. The proportion of prenatal deaths was reported to be more among consanguineous unions while postnatal deaths were reported to be more among non-consanguineous unions.
doi:10.9790/0837-19423942 fatcat:7lzfu23byjacrdvohyzqnvl3zu