Influence of Indoor Temperature Distribution on Health of Elderly in Cold Climate

大沼 勇人, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎
2019 Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan  
Recently, there are many social problems in Japan. One of them is health problems of elderly people because of aging. Also, recent researches suggest that low temperature environment in home influences on a health of elderly people. So, it can be said that we can consider health problems not only from the viewpoint of medical but also from that of building environment. Therefore, in this study, I considered the influence of indoor temperature distribution on health problems of elderly in cold
more » ... imate. We adopted statistical hypothesis testing as the analysis method. To reject the hypothesis, we used logistic regression analysis, and calculated crude odds ratios, adjusted odds ratios (adjusted odds ratio is how much bigger the influence with each "explanatory variable" on each disease is than influence without each "explanatory variable" on that), and p-values.
doi:10.18948/shasetaikai.2019.6.0_325 fatcat:w47lgbefsna45hjcid5cwtbkw4