Recent American patents

1863 Scientific American  
The terrible effects of carelessness are too appiuent when steam boilers explode, and blow to the four winds of heaven all th:>t a man has been able to ac cumulate in II lifetime of hard labor. See to it, then, you md.nnfd.cturers, and you, engineers! that there are no h1l.lf-way measures adopted; that no "penny wise and pound foolish" policy prevails; keep the boilers in the best possible repair and condition; buy none but the best fuel; hire only capable, con scientious, and sober men to
more » ... ee them; and the rate of insurance will be lower, higher profits will accrue, and steam power be rendered what in fact it is-an energetic, easily-m'lnaged, and economical ser vant. RECENT AMERICAN PATENTS.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican12261863-408 fatcat:b52wc67ixrcndk4f7ze33e3ype