Exchange Forces of Composite Particles in Quantum Field Theory

W. Pfister, H. Stumpf
1991 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A-A Journal of Physical Sciences  
AbstractQuantum fields can be characterized by state functionals and corresponding functional equations. Within this functional representation exchange forces of composite particles are discussed for the case of composite bosons which are bound states of two constituent fermions. The dynamics of these bosons is formulated by means of a weak mapping theorem which establishes a map between the functional equations for the composite boson quantum field and the constituent original fermion quantum
more » ... ield. Evaluation of this theorem leads to expressions which can be identified as quantum field theoretic "direct" forces and exchange forces for or between composite particles. By some theorems the exchange forces are evaluated and an estimate for them is given. The expressions for the direct forces correspond to those which were already derived in previous papers to discuss composite particle dynamics.
doi:10.1515/zna-1991-0503 fatcat:gif2npbpabamfadqvz445owb5y