Combining Textual Features for the Detection of Hateful and Offensive Language [article]

Sherzod Hakimov, Ralph Ewerth, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), Parth Mehta, Thomas Mandl, Prasenjit Majumder, Mandar Mitra
The detection of offensive, hateful and profane language has become a critical challenge since many users in social networks are exposed to cyberbullying activities on a daily basis. In this paper, we present an analysis of combining different textual features for the detection of hateful or offensive posts on Twitter. We provide a detailed experimental evaluation to understand the impact of each building block in a neural network architecture. The proposed architecture is evaluated on the
more » ... sh Subtask 1A: Identifying Hate, offensive and profane content from the post datasets of HASOC-2021 dataset under the team name TIB-VA. We compared different variants of the contextual word embeddings combined with the character level embeddings and the encoding of collected hate terms.
doi:10.34657/9173 fatcat:72rvgpxi3zfr7jjefi6y4lv56i