Evaluation of a novel decorporation approach to prevent radioactivity uptake by using acidosis in experimental animals

Priyanka Saxena, Dhruv K Nishad, Thakuri Singh, Amit Kumar, Ravi Kashyap, Aseem Bhatnagar, Gaurav Mittal
2014 Indian journal of experimental biology  
With an aim to devise a prophylactic and/or therapeutic approach for preventing internalization of radiothallium (201Tl), and more importantly by implication, its chemical analogue radiocesium (137Cs) during any nuclear emergency, different ex vivo and in vivo animal models were created to determine the role ofpH in absorption of 201Tl across jejunum/muscle tissue and whole body retention of 201Tl respectively. Movement of Tl+ under simulated pH conditions proved that pH had direct influence on
more » ... its absorption. Oral intake of acidified water or parenteral administration of lactic acid was able to reduce the body burden of 201Tl by up to 12 and 50% respectively. The results indicate that acidification of gut, within physiological range may be used as an option for decorporation/inhibition of incorporation of radiothallium and radiocesium, particularly in cases of mass casualty.
pmid:25141542 fatcat:5dn5utilmvgkzkpjbloeomm53y