高品質・信頼性ソフトウェア開発のためのプロジェクトマネジメント技術 (特集「ソフトウェア信頼性工学の新展開」)
Project Management Technologies for Quality and Reliable Software Development(New Development of Software Reliability Engineering)

Toshihiko FUKUSHIMA, Shigeru YAMADA
2005 The Journal of Reliability Association of Japan  
The quality of so 仕ware mainly depends on the sonw ・ are development proccss . In order to develop high − quality and reliable software to incrcase customer satisfaction , quantitatjvc mcasurement ofpr 句 ect lnanagement that can be used to control the software development process , and evaluatc software quality , is very effectivc . This paper discusses risk managcmcnt technique which ident { fies and mitigates p 呵 ect risks quantitatively in the early − stage of pr ( } jects , earned value
more » ... gement ( EVM ) techniquo which predicts and controls pr ( ) ject progress by using the quantitativc data , and rellability assessment tochniquc which evaluates the achievemcnt lcvcl of software quality quantitativcly . Further , we discuss the pr ( ) ject management techniqucs to develop high − quality and reliablc software by using thc high − quality process .
doi:10.11348/reajshinrai.27.7_483 fatcat:bn3j4stajrcd5ixqjvnsn4gpu4