Considering personal rights in doping control procedure in terms of Turkish lawTürk hukukunda doping kontrol işlemlerinin kişilik hakları açısından değerlendirilmesi

Ümit Orhan
2014 International Journal of Human Sciences  
Sport is one of the most attractive activities of the world. So that, for many people, a match score becomes more important than any other problems of world. Sport becomes an exciting way of make money. Because a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer have to work long years to have money, fame and reputation, that an average sportsman/sportswoman has early in life. In the same way a sports club can earn millions of dollars through his succesful sportmen/sportswomen. But sometimes, with the affect of
more » ... his potentiality and "desire to win", athletes, coaches, clubs or States can canalize to a unfair ways. Doping is the most risky way of those. Doping has many dimensions about competition justice, athletes' health and punishment of this act. One of these dimensions is relationship between doping control and athletes personal rights. Personal (private) right is an absolute right over a person's own personal wealth and assets. As well as tangible values, bodily integrity, health, intangible values privacy, honour and reputation are cases of personal rights. In this article, firstly we'll inform what the doping is, how a doping control can be done, secondly we'll study the personel rights in doping control Orhan, Ü. (2014) . Türk hukukunda doping kontrol işlemlerinin kişilik hakları açısından değerlendirilmesi.
doi:10.14687/ijhs.v11i2.3094 fatcat:qcgval4vrjguba5w5hexhjrwsi