Table of Contents

2012 Clinical Ovarian and Other Gynecologic Cancer  
Effective treatment options for patients with ovarian cancer whose disease relapses or progresses within 6 months of initial therapy are limited. In the current open-label phase II study, 112 patients whose disease relapsed during or within 6 months after completion of platinum-based therapy received the novel microtubuletargeting agent patupilone. Patupilone was well tolerated and demonstrated promising efficacy in this difficultto-treat population. 60 Improved 8 -Year Survival for Patients
more » ... h Stage IIIC Ovarian Cancer Operated on at Teaching Hospitals: Population-Based Study in Norway 2002 Torbjørn Paulsen, Witold Szczesny, Janne Kaern, Ingvild Vistad, Claes Tropé This study aimed to determine how hospital level influenced long-term survival for patients with advanced ovarian cancer. The study population was registered in a prospective population-based registry. All 198 women in Norway with ovarian cancer International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage IIIC with primary diagnosis during 2002 were included. Patients operated on at teaching hospitals (THs) achieved better 8-year survival than did patients operated on at nonteaching hospitals (NTHs).
doi:10.1016/s2212-9553(14)00007-6 fatcat:rfx5f2gtxrg6den7c3vxzq355q