Active learning Strategies/Pedagogy

Pallavi Chavan, Priyanka Kadam
2022 Graduate Research in Engineering and Technology  
This research explores the practices like teaching style, attainment and assessment which covers the various aspects of teaching methods, and there are many Strategies to pedagogy. The study of different teaching methods, phenomena is termed as pedagogy. The skills such as application of knowledge, analysis and synthesis helps to promote higher order thinking. This study aims to the current pedagogical practices that enhancing students' intellectual quality with regard to obtain insightful
more » ... mation. Actively involving of Learners in learning process, Constructivist, collaborative, inquired-based, integrative, and reflective. In active learning process, learners are involved actively in the process of different levels like read, write, discuss and be engaged in solving problems. One of the learning method is to provide the topic to learners and to make question answering sessions. The different Practices help the learner to increase the grasping power and boast up the knowledge.
doi:10.47893/gret.2022.1153 fatcat:uqkf2xl365dxfpv2mfmidqix54