Collective Subjects and Political Transformation

Caroline Edwards, Alexander Dunst
In lieu of an abstract, here is the beginning of the article: What can today's politics and cultures teach us about subjectivity? Can postdeconstructive theorisations of subjectivity retain or even widen the spaces in which subjects that are no longer metaphysical or humanist might cooperate to construct new emancipatory struggles? Guided by these questions, this special issue explores the ways in which subjectivity is being constituted and contested in the early twenty-first century: it
more » ... s radical traditions in the light of their impact on contemporary subject formation and the challenges and opportunities that the theorisation of subjectivity faces in the light of globalised cultural exchanges and crossdisciplinary fertilisations, a dominant neoliberal politics and media, and emerging grassroots movements. Throughout, the question of what it means to be a political subject in the early twenty-first century is explored with reference to a determinedly leftist tradition of anti-capitalism, antiimperialism, anti-racism and anti-sexism.
doi:10.17613/m6tc71 fatcat:4tp2snkqezcmfga6ubkh7bfvya