Development of a three-parameter model of the shoe brake contact interaction with the drum in mine hoisting machine

Kostiantyn Zabolotnyi, Oleksand Zhupiiev, Artur Molodchenko, V. Bondarenko, I. Kovalevska, R. Lysenko, O. Malova, F. Cawood, M. Hardygora
2018 E3S Web of Conferences  
For safe operation of mine hoisting machines (MHM) in the mining industry, it is necessary to provide high constructive reliability of brake systems, in particular, brake systems based on the block brake. The contact interaction of the brake with the translational movement of the shoes applied in MHM, remains insufficiently studied. In particular, it is necessary to develop a technique for accurate determination of the braking moment and forces in the elements of the brake linkage, as well as
more » ... study the nature of the pressure distribution along the brake beam. The purpose of this article is to simulate the contact interaction of the MHM brake taking into account the coefficient of friction, the ratio of the flexural stiffness to the longitudinal stiffness of a beam, as well as the ratio of the transverse stiffness of a lining to the flexural stiffness of a beam. The application of the developed model will help to reduce the maximum contact pressure in the shoe brakes of the mine hoisting machines and will allow more accurate calculation of the braking moment value compared to existing methods.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20186000039 fatcat:4hzyhamljbdvvlzfj2eli4hazy