On a series of volcanic rocks from the neighbourhood of the Lucalla River, Angola

Arthur Holmes
1916 Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society  
Last year, while working through the geographical collection of rocks in the Geological Department of the Imperial College, I found an interesting series of volcanic rocks from the neighbourhood of the Lucalla River in the district of Cambambe, Angola, which hitherto has not been described. The specimens were collected about the year 1860 by J. J. Monteiro, a former student of the Royal School of Mines, who devoted many years to the exploration of Angola. The collection, though consisting of
more » ... y ten specimens z comprises porphyritic basalts, alkalitrachytes, a nephelinite allied to monchiquite, and an augite-andesite.
doi:10.1180/minmag.1916.018.83.07 fatcat:ureruwovwbhhxonekw5mkgtkxy