Information Security of University Information Systems

Viljan Mahnic, Janko Uratnik, Natasa Zabkar
2002 DFN Tagungen  
The aim of this paper is to give some recommendations for the improvement of the level of information security of university information systems. For this purpose two standards/guidelines are presented: COBIT/ISACF and BS 7799. COBIT is an open system that includes guidelines for implementation and evaluation of information technology control. BS 7799 is a closed system which includes guidelines for ensuring information security. These standards/guidelines are recommended by the Bank of
more » ... as the Slovenian financial supervisory institution. We discuss the possibility of using the experience from financial institutions in the implemention of security standards in university information systems. At the end of the paper some recommendations are given.
dblp:conf/dfn/MahnicUZ02 fatcat:puifnr2w7je7lai7d45nmzjuj4