At Brunning: People and Technology-At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What We Do

Dennis Brunning
2014 Against the Grain  
office supplies and printing for all faculty in that program. The library here does not allocate funds to individual program purchases due to the unpredictable nature of budgeting (especially recent annual cuts ranging from 10%-50%) and rapid shifts in demand due to program and curriculum changes, accreditation reviews, and so on. In those cases in which program funds are scanty and sudden demands , a feast of e-reader and e-seller, where publishing's future teetered and tottered over the
more » ... Book Settlement and each week it seemed brought yet another Nook, Kindle, Sony, BeBook reader device into market, this summer's pace is slower almost slow motion. Nothing has happened in the "settlement"; publishers push and shove at the negotiation table and in the blogosphere/news environment. Whither publishers? Whither authors? Whither librarians? Oh, wait, Amazon announced a new Kindle model with 3G and WIFI at lower prices joining the already millions of units sold; it's also slimmer -yawn. But Amazon did announce Kindle sales had edged ahead of same-edition hard covers. And users of all devices have been seen enjoying eBooks in every nook and cranny of the connected world. Perhaps it is the summer of the VuVuZela for eBooks, a persistent, nagging hum that won't disappear. Hmmm...let's explore the summer eBook world.
doi:10.7771/2380-176x.5615 fatcat:52dxugletrazxhsxmls53uofem