A remotely interrogated all-optical 87Rb magnetometer

B. Patton, O. O. Versolato, D. C. Hovde, E. Corsini, J. M. Higbie, D. Budker
2012 Applied Physics Letters  
Atomic magnetometry was performed at Earth's magnetic field over a free-space distance of ten meters. Two laser beams aimed at a distant alkali-vapor cell excited and detected the ^87Rb magnetic resonance, allowing the magnetic field within the cell to be interrogated remotely. Operated as a driven oscillator, the magnetometer measured the geomagnetic field with ≲3.5 pT precision in a ∼2 s data acquisition; this precision was likely limited by ambient field fluctuations. The sensor was also
more » ... ated in self-oscillating mode with a 5.3 pT/√(Hz) noise floor. Further optimization will yield a high-bandwidth, fully remote magnetometer with sub-pT sensitivity.
doi:10.1063/1.4747206 fatcat:cnmuuyz5krbbtkbmo5ferg6oci