Studies on the Present State of Periodontal Suegery in the Nippon Dental University, School of Dentistry at Niigata

Kazuhiko Kanaya, Masato Sato, Akira Hasegawa
1997 Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)  
This study was carried out to assertain the conditiors of cases who had undergone periodontal surgery from January, 1995 to December, 1995 in our clinic and to compare these results with those of 10 years previously. The following results were obtained. 1. The operative cases were 121 (68 males and 53 females) and the average patient age was 51.0 years old. 2. The progressive stages of periodontitis at the time of surgery were as follows. mild: 3.6%, moderate: 44.6%, severe: 51.8%. 3. The main
more » ... urpose of surgery was elimination of periodontal pockets (59.7% of cases) , followed by improvement of furcation involvements. 4. As regards the classification of these operations, there were 98 flap operation cases, 54 periodontal osseous surgery cases and 33 furcationinvolved surgery cases. 5. According to the results of the preoperative evaluation, the plaque control record was under 20% in 67.6% of all cases and the bleeding index was under 20% in 69.5% of all cases. 6. The flap operation had been done mainly for the 5mm pocket depth cases. The furcationinvolved surgery had been done mainly for the degree 3 involvement cases.
doi:10.2329/perio.39.528 fatcat:ik3h3vf2erc3njy2dbuarqxlry