Optical properties of the solid-prints
印刷物画像について ソリッド印刷部の性質

Sumio MIURA, Satoru KAWASAKI, Youichi OGAWA
1986 Bulletin of the Technical Association of Graphic Arts of Japan  
The solid density seems to be related to the quality of printing products. Optical prop erties of the solid-prints were analyzed with various densitometer. The solid density depended on areas ratio converted by the ink in the solid prints (coverage ratio) and average thick ness and surface structure of the ink layer on the paper. The effects by surface structure were analyzed with measuring the polarizing solid density and occured in the high density region. The effects by coverage ratio
more » ... d with dot-area meter occured in the low density region. The effects by average thickness occured in the middle density region.
doi:10.11413/nig1958.23.213 fatcat:sdp5tg3n5nanlbfhnmwr6c6yru