The Relationship between Grammatical Metaphor and Translation from Chinese to English: An Empirical Study Based on a Personal Experience Narrative Text

Jiangping Zhou
2016 International Journal of English Linguistics  
<p>Grammatical metaphor is one of the important theories in Systemic-Functional Linguistics. Through an empirical study, this paper analyzes the correlation between grammatical metaphor and its sub-categories and the translating quality of personal experience narrative texts from Chinese to English, and the findings show that grammatical metaphor, especially ideational metaphor, and translating quality are significantly positively correlated. Through analyzing the differences of grammatical
more » ... phor and its sub-categories used by learners of English from different proficiency levels, and the findings show that grammatical metaphor and its sub-categories are significantly different except textual metaphor.</p>
doi:10.5539/ijel.v6n1p171 fatcat:32gzr4wxznch7cpoi6v7okofwm