Maryland Gazette and Political Intelligencer February 1816
(:Unkn) Unknown
JONA 8 GREEN, h«nd the following «rticl«.. b*cn carefully purchased. th«l>Mtt*rmt. and infites per purcliaie to examine . ,b)e MUled Dr«b» and Coatmga, m and StockineU. own and other Vesting, on ind Velvets, White and Yellow Flan-tClrth, K«r*ey »nd Plains, [ »nd Striped Blanket*, «l Bor» Wo«>l HS.U. . , Black and Coloured Worsted Ho*», .Cotton, »nd Silk do. . \V6rstedand Cotton Hose, aolms of all descriptions, «Mu«lin», Unoes. mud Gauze, k B«oksnd Lena Muslin, Cambric, and Mull Mull Musi(o*i
more »
... hsms and Dimity, II", and Silk Oil Cloth Hat , Silk tod Satin, Damask Silk , »lt. Cotton, and Cambric do. BUrk flilk Shswls and Hand kerchiefs. i ami »ilk bUck & White Shawls, other llnndkerchiefs, 'i Bocktkin tnd Beaver Gloves. i Loop mil Short, White it Co loar«d Kid Glovrn, t sod Coloured Italinn Bilk, ickSilk Plor«Dlinefor V«»U, I tod Plain BUck BombaMtte, i and Printed do. j Orecn tnd Scarlet do. fhile, Pink ted BUck Crape, SUts, Piuk and Buff Chinese n, Sheeting and Long Lawi, i tnd Brown Rusnia ' Sheeting, i Sheeting (Cotton, >. PWWt, Stripes At Shambrays, iTckeat tnd Plain White Cotton, |(Md iMortment of Ribbons, etUug and Floia Cotton, bit mide avid aod Morocco n't Shoei, a Urge assortment, > Ctpe* tnd Comforts. lihnoil every article in the Dry 4 Line, tontlier with » Itrga iup-J«f8«iu Cotton, all of which he lirillow for cash, and M uanal to »l ciutomen. lAnapolii, NOT. 30. [N B. The l)«nk Note-of «J1 the ad-Bg Bute* tnd of many other ssso---^will be received in payment ; made for the Notes of nk of Marylnnd ; and variant Bankiqf Bal vithout ditrount. John Barber, Y Uieir itore on tlie dock, have re-»Uy Uid in, on the beat Urai, a »«ry gena. raj tMortment of Groceries &c, '•""*! Ca». Mace, Cinn»moo" Sfknuk Segan U«tt chew-lug Tobscw. Smotkinj do. in Ctnni*-Whlw, yellow and brown M«p, \ Hotter COVM Fiill <(uj|ity cyder, inegar. the Band, . kc. kc. »«\Msorta»ent of Crockery Ware, MKKWISI p»inu, .hoes, aod water , and leading lines, ,*,. ... ^Hlne do. Gun »o Shot, U»Ulo powder-In/ iBrftouM.'aQd peiat brushes, Q<«laVeet kinds" oau aad , [Dtc. LISt. OF LAWS December Snrib*, 1R15. No. 1 An, a'ct for ihe benefit of James Duke-, Mary Duke, and Jno. Broom. t An act for the benefit of George Klink, of Washington County. 3 'An alt to confirm the proceedings of the levy Court of Frederick county, and fur other purposes, 4 'An act to authorise the drawing of > lottery in Sharpsburgh, for the purpose of purchasing a fire Engine. ;V!". '..; iV fay ofttt ibd make pubin Cecil county, "authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money for the purpose of building a School-house in the vicinity of Taney-town, in Frederick county. , "r/s. 7 An act to revive and Ifflend an act, entitled, An act to Incorporate a company to make a turnpike road from Edward H. Calvert's old mill, in P. George's county, to the District of Columbia. 8 An act authorising 'a lottery for raising a sum of money, for the . purpose of purchasing a lot of ground and erecting thereon a building for divine worship, in Frederick county, 9 An act to confirm the nghtof the President, Managers and Company, of the New-Casile and French-Town turnpike, to receive tolls, and for o(her purposes. 10 An act to alter aqd change the place ot holding the elections in the third election District in Worcester couniy. 11 A supplement to the act, entitled. An act for the benefit of the heirs of Joshua Flemming, late of Worcester couniy, deceased. 12 An act to alter the time of holding the county couris in Frederick and Washington counties. 13 An set to lay out a town to be called "Brucc-Ville," in Frederick county. 14 An act to lay out and make public a road therein mentioned in Cecil couniy. 15 An act for the benefit of the heirs of William Norrii, late of Harford county, deceased, and their assignees. 1C A supplement to an act, entitled, An set to lay out and make public a road in Cecil county. 17 An act annulling the marriage of John Turner and Ann O. Turner, of Talbot county. 18 An act for the aale of the real estate of which Gabriel P. Van-Horn died, possessed. 19 An act authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money to repair a road, from Paul Hawk's c riurch, to the intersection of the Baltimore road near Charles Franklin's tavern, in Frederick county. 20 An act .annulling the marriage of Michael Entley and Mary Entley, of Allegany county. 21 An act for the benefit of the heirs of George Lytle, late of , Harford county, deceased. 82 An act to incorporate a* company to make a turnpike road from the river Susquehanna, through Charles-town, tb the Elkton and Christianna turnpike road. 23 An act supplementsry to the act, entitled. An act to alter, straighten, and emend, the road therein mentioned in Harford county. * 24 'An act to |ay out and open a ' road in Harford county. | 25 An act authorising the levy court of Washington county to levy a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned. ' ' _. 26 An act making a public landing place in Somerset county, and for other purposes. 27 An act for the relief of John Adams, of Washington county. 28 An act to authorise Walter Slicer, ,of AHegaivy county, to import and bnng into this state a certain uegro therein named. 89 An act authorising a lottery to ' raise a sum of money, for the purpose of completing St. Lucas Reformed Church in Frederick /) V " " **» tno. mo«t «a»ouiYl , lf An act authorising the drawing of a I,oitwry for the J>enefit of th«i Surgical Iwtiuvion of Baiti-* -> * r • I-..-' -' -• 114 AW *Pt for the btenife of the heir* of Jofceph Woodall, 1** of Kent county, deceased. 125 A fiirther supplement to an act, entitled, an act to tycorporat? companies to make several turnpike road* through Baltimore copftty, an pb*e*» ;' 136 A supplement to the act, enti-tled^ tn act to authorise aiid em power the Jevy court of Cliarle* county, to assets and levy a cum of money on the assessable proa < theiepf for the purpose of ing » gaol in said county. 137 A supplement to the act, entitled, an act'to authorite Zcpliaitiah Waters, of Charles county, to iVire by lottery a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned. 118 Ah act to authorise the levy ^pourt of H afford county to levy money for building a bridge. 129 An 'additional supplement to an act, entitled, an act to erect a town in Queen-Anne'* county. 130 An act authorising the sale oi certain property therein mentioned. 131 A. further supplement to the act, entitled, an act to incorporate a company for the purpose of building bridge over the river Susqfrchanna, near Rock Run. 13S An act to authorise tlic drawing «>f a lottery TOT tl.e'benrfit of the \V' st Nottingham Academy , in Cet.'t county. 133 An act to incorporate the Hager s-town Fire Company, in Washington county. 134 An ait for thtf benefit of the 'heirs of John Richardson, late of Caroline county, deceased. 135 An a,ct to ratify and protect the title of Tlie Third Haven Monthly Meeting of Frienir., commonly called Quakers, in Talbot county, in and to the lots of land on which ttieir several meeting-houses stand, and to intoryrtf. rate certain members of their Society, as a body politic for their benefit. *. 136 An act to provide for the appointment of commissioners (or the regulation and improvement of the town of Cumberland, in Allegany county, and-to incorporate the same. 137 «An act authorising Henry S Yates, of Charles county, to bring umlry negroes into this state. 138 An act to authorise Nathaniel Cacy, of Queen-Anne's county, to sell the lands therein mention ed. 439 An act relating to the Rector . & Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church, of St. Peter, in the city of Baltimore. 140 An art to incorporate the Pataptco Manufacturing Company. 141 An act to repeal part of the act, entitled, An act for the ease of the inhabitants in examining evidences relating to ihr bounds of lands, and in the manner of obtaining injunctions. 142 An ait authorising the convey. ance of certain property therein mentioned. 143 An act to lay out » road in Baltimore county. . 144 An met to incorporate a company, under the name of the Nottingham Library Company. 145 An act to authorise the sale of certain rral estates held by Jo ' *eph B. M'Ke»n, in trus\ for the .children of Andrew Bucb,anan, deceased. 146 An act to lay out and open a road therein mentioned, in Cecil county. 147 A-JJ act for the relief of the Baltimore Company. , 148 A further supplement to an act, entitled, An act to establish a bank and incorpoiate. a company, under the tame of ilia Elkb ton Bank of Maryland. 140 An act relative to the administration of juitice. 150 An tct for draining part of a Bran>Jv known by the name of t Andtver Branch, lying in Qucen-Anne'* county. 151 An act apppointing Jaroea Rci, trustee, anu authorising him to ell certain real property therein mentioned. 152 An act authorising Adam Whann, and William Kicketta, to complete the collections of Jacob R, Hcwitt, in Cecil co»ruy.' 163 An act for the relipf of Susannah Parker and her infaft cbiU dr*ov 144 Ai\4Ctf»fep«vl an «ct, entitled, A supplement to an act, en.* trtUil, ap act to by out and make. public1 a w>ad ' » Baltimore couo-tV-, , .ISS An .401 t* authorii* atuT empower theJeVy 'jcourt fff "Ann*. ArundsJ. couuty, »o wm* and k* vy a turn, afrnonc% for the per ] 189 A,n a£t < sot» theroni mentioned.' Wlflllm P. istf An act lot-'the .relief of Jiraes WooVU^of, Caroline1 county. 15? Au a« annulling the marriage ,»f-Michael Ada.Ud apd.RoselU . A*JfrUa,\>f tbe city of Bahimo/e.