Air Gun near the Sea Floor as Shear-wave Source?

G.G. Drijkoningen, D. Dieulangard, E. Kjos, M. Holicki
2015 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015   unpublished
The feasibility of using an air gun near the sea floor as shear-wave source has been investigated. With an air gun near the sea floor, an evanescent P-wave in the water becomes a propagating S-wave in the sea floor, such that it seems that a pure shear-wave source has been used at the sea floor. This type of wave has been called a P*S wave. An experiment with such a set-up has been carried out at the Valhall field. For that case, modelling shows that shear-wave related event of the type of P*S
more » ... aves can be expected with such a set-up. Especially at larger offsets, P*S waves can be expected. When analysing the field records and Constant-Velocity Stacks, it is hard to find P*S-wave reflected events. On the other hand, P*S-wave refracted events can be discerned in records. These events can be brought up to stack level and imaged, as shown in this paper.
doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201413356 fatcat:liafbchqejeczaawhkz7adbmza