Gasterópodos marinos de las islas Chafarinas (Mediterráneo suroccidental)

Joan Daniel Oliver, Marta Calvo, Javier Guallart, Luis Sánchez-Tocino, José Templado
2015 Zenodo  
Several samples of bioclastic sediment collected by scuba diving at various depths in the sourrounding bottoms of the Chafarinas Islands (SW Mediterranean) have been studied. As a result, a total of 382 species of gastropods were recorded. Families which include a higher number of species were Pyramidellidae (55), Rissoidae (32), Cerithiopsidae (21), Trochidae (20), Mangeliidae (17) and Eulimidae (15). Some taxonomic comments are given on species of the families Cerithiopsidae, Eulimidae and
more » ... amidellidae and on the genera Alvania, Ocinebrina and Cima.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4586830 fatcat:iji42kstlzcmdj36wsj7fza2km