Integrated Solution Scheme for Handover Latency Diminution in Proxy Mobile IPV6

Md. Mahedi Hassan, Poo Kuan Hoong
2011 International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks  
Recent trends show that there are swift developments and fast convergence of wireless and mobile communication networks with internet services to provide the quality of ubiquitous access to network users. Most of the wireless networks and mobile cellular networks are moving to be all IP based. These networks are connected through the private IP core networks using the TCP/IP protocol or through the Internet. As such, there is room to improve the mobility support through the Internet and support
more » ... ubiquitous network access by providing seamless handover. This is especially true with the invention of portable mobile and laptop devices that can be connected almost everywhere at any time. However, the recent explosion on the usage of mobile and laptop devices has also generated several issues in terms of performance and quality of service. Nowadays, mobile users demand high quality performance, best quality of services and seamless connections that support real-time application such as audio and video streaming. The goal of this paper is to study the impact and evaluate the mobility management protocols under micro mobility domain on link layer and network layer handover performance. Therefore, this paper proposes an integration solution of network-based mobility management framework, based on Proxy Mobile IPv6, to alleviate handover latency, packet loss and increase throughput and the performance of video transmission when mobile host moves to new network during handover on high speed mobility. Simulations are conducted to analyze the relationship between the network performances with the moving speed of mobile host over mobility protocols. Based on simulation results, we presented and analyzed the results of mobility protocols under intra-domain traffics in micro mobility domain.
doi:10.5121/ijwmn.2011.3418 fatcat:y7qrvjdt7nfebn7w3vflcpv3om