Expanding Irrigated Agriculture in Alberta: An Economic Impact Assessment

Dareskedar W Amsalu
This study assessed the economic impacts of Alberta's irrigated agriculture industry as of 2011 and evaluated the economic viability of expanding the irrigated crop land by 10% within the 13 irrigation districts in southern Alberta. Results of the economic impact assessment revealed that irrigation, directly or indirectly, generated $3.2 billion to the national gross domestic product. The distribution of these benefits was 17% for producers and 83% for the province and the nation. Results of
more » ... economic viability analysis revealed that with the existing government subsidy of 75% to the irrigation rehabilitation program, investment for expansion of irrigated crop land would be economically viable for producers. However, in the absence of this effective government subsidy, the investment would be unattractive. The results are consistent with the fact that irrigation expansion is a capital-intensive project and as such its economic viability for producers is contingent upon the levels of subsidy and the opportunity costs of capital. The results have important policy implications for the provision of economic incentives for producers investing in water saving irrigation technologies. iii
doi:10.7939/r3xp6vg20 fatcat:6i4xq323lnekbbmpieeegig2xe