Austenitic grain refinement through static recrystallization immediately after hot rolling

Chiaki OUCHI, Tomoyoshi OKITA
1984 Transactions of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan  
Synopsis The effects of rolling variables, microalloying elements and rolling geometries on the recrystallized austenitic grain size of HSLA steels were investigated. The grain growth behavior after completion of recrystallization was also investigated. The increase of pass reduction, refinement of the initial grain size, thinner rolled plate thickness and rolling in the mill with larger roll diameter tended to refine the recrystallized grain size. The smallest recrystallized grain size of 6
more » ... was obtained by the strict control of these variables. The phenomenological equation describing the relation of the recrystallized grain size and various parameters was developed by taking account of stored energy and the nucleation site area in deformed austenite, and the experimental results were analyzed by this equation. Transactions ISI], Vol. 24, 1984
doi:10.2355/isijinternational1966.24.726 fatcat:zmskxkfxvbbfnngnx4vxi5ecmi