The Ohio State University Reactor Sharing Program [August 15, 2000 - May 31, 2001] [report]

Richard D Myser
2002 unpublished
providq'sewices to nine colleges and universities and four secondary school organizations. A total o f about 17 flzculty and 170 students UtiliZRd OUT hcilities. The staffof the OSU Research Reactor is generally involved in four types of experiments at the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory. Included are introductions to nuclear research, neutron activation analysis, material inadkition, and classes that measure various reactor parameters. 1. Typically when we introduce students, bulty, or other
more » ... enters to nuclear research we do the following: 2. Neutron activation analysis mA4) experiments are routinely completed for students ranging fiom high school to graduate school. This year two universities, Case Western and Wittenberg, used N U fbr research 3. Mated irradiation in the reactor, other than for NAA, is in three basic areas. These are isotope production, detector or component testing and irradiation of biological samples. Na-24 was produced for om Miami University professor. Gamma irxadjatians were colrq>leted f i x Bowling Green State University and the University of Memphis. 4. Various nuclear engineering and physics classes throughout Ohio u t k the reactor for the following basic experiments: W W Q Q Participating .
doi:10.2172/771347 fatcat:gpo25ufg5nhvhnlehlrbejmtwm