Team conflict management and RaD team effectiveness: The effects of Task Interdependence and Team Cooperation

Yen Hsu
2017 Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Organizational Innovation (ICOI 2017)   unpublished
ABSTRACT─ ─ ─ ─Companies are dedicated to improving research and development (R&D) capacity to excel in market competition. Designers that share the same values and communicate and interact effectively are more likely to assist and cooperate with each other, making loyal contributions to the companies. This study explores the influence of task interdependence on engineering designers and examines cooperative conflict as a phenomenon. By conducting a questionnaire survey with 1000 consumer
more » ... onics manufacturers in Taiwan, we collected information regarding 339 design teams. Subsequently, we divided the teams based on various types of task interdependence before analyzing 28 cases of product development performed by these teams and investigating the cooperation and conflict between the team members. The results showed four types of task interdependence, namely, "Concretes", "efficiency", "concordance", and "specialization". Design teams featuring different types of task interdependence exhibit differing combinations in terms of the forms of team cooperation, team conflict, loyalty, and work values. Previous research has rarely addressed the conflict and cooperation of engineering designers within teams, and this study fills the research gap while offering specific recommendations for management practices.
doi:10.2991/icoi-17.2017.49 fatcat:6jvnheqyi5girjjh7qcwlgcrwi