A Survey of Taiwan Skyscraper Architectural Characteristics

Lin-Wei Chen, Chih-Ming Shih
2005 Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering  
This paper investigates existing architectural projects and outlines the developing trends in architectural design. Currently, the skyscraper design issues in Taiwan tend to follow two completely different architectural trends: the first is architecture as a symbol of the society, technology and economy. This approach has generated some new struggles in such fi elds as esthetics and cultural representation. The second approach is the skyscraper as a public characteristic, to which citizens
more » ... relate to the physical aspects and usage. By studying typical projects in Taiwan, this paper aims to show that: 1. the Taiwanese skyscraper design trend has changed from an emphasis on technology to formalism, and fi nally to building image symbolism. 2. In Taiwan the role of architectural symbolism is relatively important, as these new skyscrapers aim to project the essential characteristics of Taiwan social culture. 3. Although skyscrapers are traditionally private buildings they share many important characteristics with the public as a quasi-public character.
doi:10.3130/jaabe.4.307 fatcat:dlgmeooadrbvtajzmzjjsxj26a