Recurrent Postprandial Hypoglycaemia in Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome

Suresh Kumar Sinha, Kalyan Gaud, Rajashekar Mummadi
2019 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research  
A 42-year-old Indian male presented to the Accident and Emergency ward with complaints of sweating, palpitation, tremor of hands, feeling of hunger, blurred vision occurring 3 to 5 hours after taking food. The symptoms were alleviated by taking sweets, sugar, orange or mango juice. It was recurrent, occurring almost daily. He reported a weight gain of about 14 kg, during a span of six months, prior to admission. There has been no history of diabetes in the family, nor he was on insulin or oral
more » ... ypoglycaemic drug intake. His vitals and physical examination were non contributory.
doi:10.7860/jcdr/2019/41863.13074 fatcat:xp2h7o75afcbfknncm6xpxsrjy