Framework on crisis management during the pandemic of hotels in National Capital Region

Mark Daevid M Adem, Alex D Ylagan
2022 International Journal of Research Studies in Management  
The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a massive shift in the hotel industry. Businesses are seeking to adapt their operations to the current unpredictable environment. This study focused on the hotel's crisis management in terms of hotel management, implementation of health and safety protocols, and level of guest satisfaction. It assessed the different DOT-accredited establishments that served as staycation hotels during the COVID19 pandemic in the National Capital Region as the foundation for the
more » ... proposed framework on crisis management. A descriptive-quantitative research design was utilized in the study, with 389 guests from 15 staycation hotels serving as participants. Test of differences and relationships to satisfy the requirements of the objectives of this investigation were conducted. Results revealed that there is a significant difference exists in terms of health and safety protocols of the hotels specifically the area of reception and concierge. The male respondents have significantly higher rates of observation than female respondents. There is also a significant difference in the implementation of health and safety protocols in terms of guest handling policies based on the responses of the hotel guests. The result showed that hotel guests who have visited at least one hotel have significantly higher observations on the implementation of health and safety protocols in their rooms, housekeeping, and reception and concierge compared to those who have visited two or more hotels. There is a significant positive moderate relationship across the three major variables: Hotel Management, Health and Safety Protocols, and Guest Satisfaction. A Pandemic Framework on Crisis Management of Hotels in the National Capital Region was proposed.
doi:10.5861/ijrsm.2022.14 fatcat:obuazstxhfdzjdozsqo2a43ape