Improved Output Power of InGaN LEDs by Lateral Overgrowth on Si-Implanted n-GaN Surface to Form Air Gaps

Shang-Ju Tu, Ming-Lun Lee, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Feng-Wen Huang, Po-Cheng Chen, Wei-Chih Lai, Chung-Wei Chen, Gou Chung Chi, Jinn-Kong Sheu
2012 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics  
In this paper, air gaps were embedded in the n-GaN layer to improve light output power of InGaN-based lightemitting diodes (LEDs). Si ions (Si +28 ) were implanted on the n-GaN surface, causing a lattice constant disorder. Therefore, the GaN grown on the Si-implanted areas had a lower growth rate than the implantation-free regions. Without using a dielectric thin film, lateral epitaxial overgrowth technique was used to form air gaps above the implanted regions and below the active layers of
more » ... N LEDs. We proposed the growth mechanisms of GaN layer on the Si-implanted GaN templates and characterized the InGaNbased LEDs with embedded air gaps array. With a 20-mA current injection, experimental results indicate that light output power (LOP) of the proposed LEDs was enhanced by 36%, compared with those of the conventional LEDs. This enhancement can be attributed to the light scattering at the textured GaN/gap interfaces to increase the effective light escape cone in the LEDs. Based on ray tracing simulation, if the height and the width of bottom of gaps were increased to 3 µm, the Lop could be enhanced over 70%. Index Terms-Air gaps, lateral overgrowth, light output power (LOP), Si-implanted.
doi:10.1109/jqe.2012.2197733 fatcat:ptntwquxszgsfftzuajg5pp42m